Before Stimulite
An appealing, interior design innovation to help people feel happier & more joyful everyday simply by using Coloured circles in the light source; because, subconsciously, such people then:-
Work Better
Produce More
Have Higher Energy Levels
Are Friendlier To Each Other
Recover Better If Get Sick
Are Generally Healthier
Are More Confident
Socialise More
Sleep Better
Spend More
Enjoy Life!
(These stylish, new, multi-coloured DECORATIVE LIGHT FILTERS actually look quite nice, too!).
Some independent, scientifically-backed, professional support for this innovative, new, positive idea that we are now introducing to the World:-
Invest just 14 minutes of your time & attention in listening to this very important, interesting narrative; enjoyed by hundreds of professional, medical & academic people at a huge conference in Canada. (Best watched on a full screen – laptop, PC or TV).
The talk was given by an inspired, intelligent, former, lady Director of the New York office of a major, Global Design Agency – IDEO - last year.
Her name is Ingrid Fetell Lee, and the talk includes about the proven power of joyful aesthetics on our everyday health & happiness.
It was an overview of a 10-year study done into how to improve people’s indoor environments; simply by the introduction of some vivid colours, light, and circular shapes in abundance. So helping to stimulate people’s minds in a positive manner, and improve their everyday mood, mental health & general wellbeing.
Plus:- Download Westland, Pan & Lee (PDF, See Page 4)
This is a quotation by Florence Nightingale, regarding the important use of colour in healthcare situations. It is taken from the NHS ‘Lighting & Colour in Hospital Design’ Report – 2004.
Download here (PDF, See Page 4)
And:- Download Colour Therapy, Chromotherapy (PDF)
Also see:-
A brilliant website about improving the quality of lives generally but also type
‘EMOTIONALLY VAGUE’ into the Search box on the site to learn about an international study into the effects of different colours on the human psyche.
Read:- A General Overview of the Role of Colour in the 21st Century
These special, new, multi-coloured DECORATIVE LIGHT FILTERS are simply self-fitted to either new LED Luminaires prior to them being installed; or, to existing fitted Luminaires on a retrofit basis, (but ideally, to light units that are less than six months old), in minutes by anyone*; so, instantly transforming the light units.
David Sidwell
Innovative Designer & CEO
N.B. We are currently seeking new sites to feature on our forthcoming new website!
*By ‘anyone’; we mean any responsible adult with very basic assembly skills; who is competent on a set of step-ladders, with an assistant to prevent step-ladders from falling!